Evolutions in Embodied Practice
for Mental, Emotional & Physical Wellbeing
February 21-24, 2024

So glad you've joined us!
Below is everything you need to tune in to ALIGN.
I can't wait to connect with you!

✧ Feb 21 ✧ ALIGN the Self: Unique BodyMind
✧ Feb 22 ✧ ALIGN with Flow: Yoga & Emergence
✧ Feb 23 ✧ ALIGN Awareness: Self-Stufy & Interconnection
✧ Bonus Practice: Feb 24 ✧ Living Aligned with special guest, Lily Russo
Thank you all for such an amazing, thoughtful, nourishing & inspiring event!
Your feedback has floored me, thank you. It's my honor to share these ideas with you! May they be of benefit to you and ripple out through you. If you'd like to go deeper in this learning, or if you have any questions, reach out anytime!
Other ways to continue to explore these concepts & practice together:
I send out short & longer practices in every newsletter, so stay tuned there!
Join the Embodied Resilience Atelier! For those who join before March 10, there are added bonuses: an extra 2 months of Embodied Resilience weekly practices and an extra 1:1 session with me.
Join live weekly practices: Embodied Resilience Thursdays 9-10am PT - this link gives you a special discount half off for three months
In the Kutilaa School on Thinkific - you can purchase Collections by theme.
Ask me about the Kutilaa 300HR advanced Yoga Teacher Training
Connect on your favorite platform:
Find a variety of on-demand practices on Vimeo
Find short movement medicine moments on my YouTube channel
Connect on Instagram
Join the Embodied Resilience Facebook Group

Learn more about the Embodied Resilience Atelier.
The ERA merges ancient+modern & science+spirit to expand your wonder+creativity, spark your passion+motivation & give you practical ways to apply embodied practice for a more balanced & vital life, and to share as a teacher if that's your path... to be able to help clients feel better than ever.
It's a journey where we take the time to investigate and digest the latest research in bodymind, nervous system and movement science so that we truly embody our physical, mental and emotional alignment, and can share a positive ripple effect in our lives, our work and the world.
I truly don't know of any other training like it.
Here's what graduates have to say:
"I took took the leap of faith and I signed up for the Embodied Resilience Atelier and I am so glad that I did. It has completely and utterly changed my entire practice and the way I teach. Not even just yoga asana movement, but also weight training and different movement categories. The training itself is wonderfully spaced over many months, so that gives a lot of time for integration.
My practice has now become fully embodied because I've been really trying to listen deeply as to what's going in, on within my own awareness in my own body. Cultivating this deep, deep, deep listening, to be able to feel feel the articulation of how the body naturally wants to move is huge.
There's many, many, many more things that I could share. But I would say if you have an intuition or a desire to do this training, don't even second guess it. Michelle is the most amazing guide, she shares resources that are over and above what I expected. There's so much richness, and there is so much selflessness in her teaching and beyond what she shares - even that in itself is a gift. I'm so grateful that I did the training. It was life changing for me." ~ Michelle VanStraaten
"I've gained a more in-depth and intimate understanding of how we are truly designed to be in and collaborate with our bodies as we move through this world. I have been on a terrifically long journey of regeneration after a surgery to remove a brain tumor almost 28 years ago left me completely paralyzed on the right half of my face and body and with extreme balance and coordination challenges.
I've explored many movement approaches and practices over the years and I can honestly and sincerely say that this eight month Atelier has offered movement concepts, movement qualities and movement patterns that have finally enabled me to unhook from habitual compensatory ways of holding and moving my body that were imbalanced, unhealthy and created excessive constriction contraction, stress and strain was shallow.
Michelle Nayeli has introduced us to ways of moving that promote resilience and vitality and that can facilitate neurogenesis and establish new neural pathways. I have already experienced an acceleration of my neuro muscular regeneration and have been feeling how my my muscles and nervous system remember how to self organize and coordinate and re-integrate.
It has dramatically expanded my movement options, movement, vocabulary, movement possibilities, and it has unlocked a grace and intuity a more fluid and even distribution of effort and energy and a more resounding continuity of flow." ~ Shadow Soleil

DAILY EVENT SLIDES are viewable by link in each recording
ALIGNMENT blog includes Nate Hagen's Behavioral Stack
Joanne Avison's podcast when I was a guest
Discount on Ayurvedic Consultation with Lily Russo - 20% off with code: SPRING20
Amy Cuddy's Ted Talk - body language shapes how you are & power poses
Vessel by Ayla Nereo - the song we enjoyed on days 3 & 4
Wowza on the ball :)) - remember to play!
Flow Genome Project - research on flow states in a variety of contexts
Life on Land - book on the power of vibration, sound and the flluid body
Stolen Focus - book about healing our loss of attention span, touched many fascinating & relevant topics related to our investigation

I'm so glad you're here...
After a complex and challenging journey through body breakdown...
I learned (the hard way!) how precious it is to reclaim embodied practice with deepened understanding of bodymind science, humble reverence to ancient teachings & renewed childlike wonder.
Movement is medicine for the body, mind & soul & Yoga a path of living wisdom in our lives.
I truly believe that the potency of embodied practice has the power to change the world, through our own alignment with our hearts, our values and Nature as interconnection and flow.
I'm honored and excited to share this journey with you!
We're all in this together.