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Evolution of Embodied Practice

Unleash the Power of Embodiment for
Mental, Emotional & Physical Wellbeing
Aligned with Nature & the Heart of Yoga

Virtual Yoga Retreat & Training
Replay Week! March 27-31, 2023

+extended through the weekend (4/2)

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Unlock your deepest body wisdom
Disrupt linear paradigms of body+mind
Change lives & change the world
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The Evolution of Embodied Practice

✧ Session 1 ✧   Embodiment is Everything: BodyMind is ONE

✧ Session 2 ✧   State of Flow: Yoga & Freedom

✧ Session 3 ✧   Made to Move: Variety is the Medicine

✧ Session 4 ✧   Life is Emergent Play: Mindful Curiosity & "What If?"

✧ Session 5 ✧   Self Study=Self Care: Decolonization & Regeneration


PLUS an introduction to spiral alignment, biotensegrity, & unlocking optimal natural movement

Each session will include lecture, learning, inquiry & investigation, movement, play, Q&A, and even PRIZES!
The Evolution of Embodied Practice will be an integrative, whole person, body-centered & uplifting event welcoming ALL.
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Are you a yoga or movement lover who wants to…​

​✧ take your practice to the next level with a deeper understanding of the body+mind connection?

✧ cultivate more joy, wonder, play & flow in your practice?

✧ feel both powerful & free in all the different ways you want to move in your life?

✧ resolve nagging aches or pain that aren't responding to the tools you’ve been using?

​✧ find true longevity of practice that’s inspiring, enjoyable & changes with you?

​✧ break free of rigid movement rules & truly align with Nature?


Are you a yoga or movement teacher who wants to…

​✧ best support healing & minimize harm by staying up-to-date with body+mind science?

✧ teach smart, creative, accessible & welcoming classes that keep students coming back?

​✧ rekindle passion & motivation for teaching with fresh ideas for movement our bodies need & crave?

​✧ evolve past the same old alignment cues & repetitive movement ruts?

​✧ stand out as a teacher by leaving students feeling better than ever?

​✧ repair (or avert) body breakdown & burnout?

​✧ help lead the new paradigm of interdisciplinary embodied practice as a tool of living yoga?



The Evolution of Embodied Practice Virtual Yoga Retreat
will teach you how to cultivate connection, freedom, healing & integration -in your body, mind, heart & life- through whatever kind of movement you already LOVE!
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We're made to move.


Movement is not only key to our physical vitality & longevity, it's also how we're wired to process life experience for mental & emotional health.


Embodied practices have exploded in popularity in the past decades! Fitness evolved from endurance to strength training to group classes only in the last 40-50 years. In the last 10-30 years the growth has been exponential: aerobics, dance, yoga, pilates, creative fitness (especially non-linear & natural movement), somatics, ecstatic dance, acroyoga, flow arts, circus arts & more...!



Join the *Free* Evolution of Embodied Practice virtual yoga retreat to learn why this all makes sense:



You'll learn why & how...


Movement variety is medicine for an increasingly sedentary, technological world, while mindful movement is medicine for the epidemics of stress, overstimulation & rising mental health challenges we see today.


Regular embodied practice is a tool of living yoga that brings us home in our body, mind & heart, connects us to our authentic selves & builds inner+outer resilience so we can show up with confidence, grace & joy in our lives.


Standard approaches to embodied practices are evolving to better nurture movement integrity & longevity, expand accessibility, honor human diversity, maximize benefit, minimize harm & honor Nature's intelligence within our body's design. 


Update your practice or teaching for the new paradigms of body+mind science, in alignment with Nature & with the origins of asana & vinyasa.


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Presented by Michelle Bouvier

Michelle has a lifetime of embodied practice, decades of training teachers & guiding yoga & interdisciplinary movement from a deep, ongoing fascination & study of cutting-edge science of our bodymind. Michelle is committed to sharing the latest evidence-based, cross-disciplinary understandings of the incredible power of embodied practice -as a tool of living yoga- to support our lives in a rapidly transforming world.

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This training is for:

Movement Practitioners of All Styles

​✧ Evolve embodied practice for accessibility, injury prevention & optimal movement freedom ✧

✧ Learn why embodiment is key to mental health ✧

✧ Learn the keys to access flow, freedom & yoga as states of being ✧

✧ Learn to honor the body’s design in movement patterns & align with Nature ✧

✧ Inspire your practice with wonder, creativity, playfulness & never feel bored again ✧


Teachers & Movement Guides

✧ Empower accessibility, agency, authenticity & innate embodied wisdom in your students ✧

✧ Maximize physical & emotional benefits of body-based practices that will magnetize students ✧

✧ Break free of teaching ruts & ignite endless creativity based on body+mind principles ✧

​✧ Help decolonize embodied practice â€‹âœ§

✧ Stand out as a movement guide who changes lives - including your own! ✧

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A note from Michelle...

After a complex and challenging journey through body breakdown...

I learned (the hard way!) how precious it is to reclaim embodied practice with deepened understanding of bodymind science, humble reverence to ancient techniques & renewed childlike wonder.


If you’re here you get it. 

Movement is medicine for the body, mind & soul.

The potency of embodied practice has the power to change the world.


If you’re reading this, you may already instinctively agree. I can't wait to share some of the ways we're learning to make it even better. I hope you'll join me for the Evolution of Embodied Practice!


We're all in this together.


See you there!

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The Evolution of Embodied Practice
Virtual Yoga Retreat March 24-26
Fr 10a+12p; Sat 10a+12p; Sun 10a PT


This virtual retreat is *Free* because it's information that needs to be shared for the benefit of all.

Come live to join the Q&A and to play for prizes!

Yes, you'll get access to replays (for a few days).

I can't wait to share this one-of-a-kind training with you!

What you learn may change your life, like it did mine.

Registration Form

Grab Your Free Spot!

Congrats! You're in ~ check your email for more details & a free gift!

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